iMindQ is a new application developed by Microsoft and has been developed to provide the users with a user-friendly interface to be able to interact with their computer and Microsoft's Windows operating system. The application uses a very intuitive user interface in order to make it easy for the users to operate the application in an easy manner. iMindQ has been developed with the help of Microsoft's Windows operating system, which has enabled it to make its user-friendliness as easy as possible. This software is developed in a way that it enables the users to use the software for free and for no cost at all. In order to download the software and to use it you need to have an internet connection and you need to have a copy of the Microsoft Windows operating system.
The free download of iMindQ does not require a credit card and you do not need to pay for this software as there is no other fee associated with it. In order to download the software you need to log on to the internet and you need to click on the link provided by Microsoft in order to download the software. You will find that the software is also available in the form of a disc which is easily portable and will enable you to be able to use it wherever you like to use it. You can download the software and then save it in the form of a CD so that you can use it wherever you like to use it.